Everything one need to know about Pacifiers?


The information in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. For professional advice on using Pacifiers, we suggest you consult your pediatrician.

All infants can agree that sucking is fantastic; in fact, this natural reflex is one of the best ways for newborns to feel secure. If you can find something that soothes a newborn baby’s crying, that’s wonderful because newborn babies cry a lot. Additionally, you should know that PACIFIERS can calm a fussy or crying baby. To fully understand pacifiers, read on. Whether or not you ought to introduce it to your infant? Why not, if not? When should I introduce and wean my baby? Know every detail here.


How Do Pacifiers Work?

Although you may already be aware of it, this information may be more helpful if you are a new mother.

A rubbery nipple, typically made of silicone or latex, is called a pacifier and is used to quell a baby’s urge to suck. Using a pacifier speeds up the process of satisfying the need by allowing the baby to suckle more quickly—two suckers per second instead of one while eating.

Infant pacifiers come in a variety of nipple shapes. Some have flat nips, which some manufacturers claim may be better for orthodontic problems, while others have rounder nips that are more reminiscent of the nipple on a bottle. It may come down to trial and error to determine which pacifier your baby prefers because there is little proof that one shape is better than another.

When an infant is either not hungry or is too full to eat but is still crying for comfort, pacifiers can help parents and babies get through difficult times. Parents in those early months may find pacifiers to be of great assistance. Crying babies can calm themselves by sucking on pacifiers.

When Should You Start Giving a Pacifier?

Giving your baby a pacifier is a big decision, so you should be able to decide when and how to incorporate them into their routine after doing your research. You can give your child a pacifier as early as 3 months of age and as late as 6 months. Pacifiers can be used from birth to any age.

When nursing your newborn, you might want to wait to introduce a pacifier until the two of you have developed a reliable nursing routine and your baby has mastered the proper latch. Studies have shown that using a pacifier up until four months did not significantly affect the frequency or duration of exclusive and partial breastfeeding in healthy breastfeeding infants, whether used from birth or after lactation is established.

In light of this, we advise avoiding the use of pacifiers just before feeding time and making sure they aren’t being used to delay meals. Instead, savour your time feeding your baby while keeping in mind that it supports the truly magical and special bond you two share.

Selecting a Pacifier

Pacifiers are available in a bewildering array of sizes recommended for various ages on store display racks. You don’t want a baby to use a toddler-size pacifier because it can be too big for him, and you don’t want a toddler to use an infant pacifier because it will sit right behind his teeth and push them outward, possibly causing an overbite.

Knowing that there are essentially only two types—orthodontic and non-orthodontic—might be helpful. The purpose of an orthodontic design is to accommodate the baby’s “tongue thrust” and to resemble a mother’s nipple. This movement is responsible for removing milk from the mother’s breast. Usually, the nipple tip is flatter and square-shaped. The more traditional type of pacifier is non-orthodontic. The bulb tip on these is uniform.

Most pacifiers are made of soft plastic, silicon rubber, or latex. Silicon is a wise choice because it is smoother and less likely to harbour bacteria. Choose pacifiers with ventilation holes because they allow air to flow and lessen the possibility of a messy red rash forming around the baby’s mouth.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Pacifier Use

Pacifier use has some significant advantages, but there are also some significant disadvantages. Continue reading to find out the benefits and drawbacks of pacifiers and how to decide which is best for you and your child.


  • Using a pacifier may comfort a cry baby, and some infants are the happiest while sucking on something.
  • Promotes breastfeeding among PPD mothers. If the child used a pacifier, breastfeeding was more successful for mothers who were at high risk for postpartum depression. Mom gets a little more time between feedings as the baby learns to soothe himself, which makes things less stressful.
  • During and after shots, blood tests, or other procedures, a pacifier may be helpful.
  • A pacifier might help your baby fall asleep if they have trouble doing so.
  • Using a pacifier could make flying more comfortable. Babies are unable to purposefully “pop” their ears by swallowing or yawning to relieve ear pain brought on by changes in air pressure. A pacifier could be helpful.
  • While sleeping, sucking on a pacifier may lessen the risk of SIDS.


  • Your child may become dependent if they keep using pacifiers for a long time. If your infant sleeps with a pacifier, you may experience night-time crying if the pacifier falls out of his mouth.
  • Long-term pacifier use may cause dental issues. Regular pacifier use during the first few years of life usually doesn’t result in long-term dental problems. However, children who use pacifiers frequently may develop crooked teeth.
  • There may be an increase in middle ear infections among children who use pacifiers. While the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is at its peak, and your infant may be most interested in a pacifier during this time, the incidence of middle ear infections is typically at its lowest between birth and six months of age.
  • The use of a pacifier may interfere with breastfeeding. If you’re breastfeeding, you might hold off on giving your child a pacifier until they are three to four weeks old and you’ve established a nursing schedule.

Questions and Answers (FAQs)

Can the usage of a pacifier cause problems?

Inappropriate pacifier use can cause breastfeeding difficulties, tooth issues (cavities and overbites), and even ear infections. Pacifiers made at home, sweetened, or tied around a baby’s neck are NOT SAFE and may cause harm or even be fatal.

When should a pacifier be changed?

Every two months is the suggested time frame for changing your baby’s pacifier. Look for stains, tears, holes, and weak spots that could cause the nipple to fall off when your baby suckers, increasing the risk of choking. Some nipples need to be replaced because they get sticky with time.

How should you wash or disinfect your baby’s pacifiers?

Before the first use, sterilise the pacifier for five minutes in a pot of boiling water. Wash it with hot, soapy water to keep it clean after each use. Before giving it to your infant, ensure that it has cooled completely.

Pacifiers: Are they good or bad?

Because babies have a natural desire to suck, using pacifiers during naps or at night can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by more than 50% and satisfy the suck reflex. For more details on this, see the Pros & Cons listed above.

When Should You Stop Giving Pacifiers to Baby?

Babies can decide to stop using pacifiers on their own at times. Consider yourself one lucky mom if that occurs! Otherwise, you will eventually have to do the unpleasant task of taking it away by starting to wean your child between the ages of 6 and 1. By your child’s second birthday, you should try to say no to the binky for dental development permanently.

Why It’s Crucial to Stop Pacifier Use?

Too much time spent sucking on a pacifier can affect how your child’s teeth erupt and how their mouth develops. The bottom teeth may turn inward, and the top teeth may protrude. Your child may eventually require braces or other orthodontic treatments if they use a pacifier for an extended period.

Final Tip

You should limit the amount of time your child uses a pacifier. Use it only for comfort and during sleep. Plan to stop by the age of 3 or 4 to avoid dental issues. Most kids start school at this age, so they must work on other coping mechanisms.

When your child reaches the age of six months, we advise that you gradually cut back on pacifier use so that by the time he/ she turns one, he/ she only uses it for sleep. At around 18 months, you can either completely stop using the pacifier or cut back on how long one uses it while sleeping so that by her/his second birthday, she/he is pacifier-free.

The use of pacifiers has both clear benefits and drawbacks; we hope this information will help you choose them wisely.


  • Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, October 6). Pacifiers: Are they good for your baby? Mayo Clinic.  Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/pacifiers/art-20048140
  • Pacifiers (soothers). Caring for kids. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/pregnancy-and-babies/pacifiers
  • WebMD. (n.d.). How to wean your baby from a pacifier. WebMD. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/features/using-pacifiers
  • Default – Stanford Medicine Children’s health. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health – Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=how-to-use-a-pacifier-1-981

Deepak Kansal
Deepak Kansal

I am a Dental Professional, Acquainted Content writer and creator, Imparting valuable dental knowledge through trickycare.com and working towards making a difference. Any information provided on the Trickycare platform is for general information only and does not constitute professional advice.