Here’s Everything You Should Know About Interdental Cleaning

Interdental cleaning contributes a great quota to a healthy dental routine. In fact, it is good for preventing gum diseases and tooth decay. But unfortunately, interdental cleaning is being underestimated, putting it below dental care routines like Dental floss, mouthwash, and tooth brushing.

As if that’s not enough, there is little information on Interdental cleaning, and so many people seem not to have enough knowledge about it. But here’s the help you need. This article will address what is Interdental cleaning, its benefits, how to carry out interdental cleaning, and frequently asked questions. So, come along with me as I provide answers to these questions.

What is Interdental cleaning?

Interdental cleaning is the act of cleaning the areas between your teeth. Dentists refer to these areas as the proximal surfaces of your teeth. Hence, this routine targets the prevention of inter-proximal caries and diseases.

The devices used during interdental cleaning help get rid of dental plaque in the regions where the toothbrush is unable to reach.

Note: The combined effort of a toothbrush, mechanical interdental cleaning devices, and manual interdental cleaning devices gives the best result for interdental cleaning.

Without further ado, let’s jump into some of the benefits of interdental cleaning. Don’t forget that interdental cleaning works hand in hand with other dental practices for healthy dental health. What this means is this. Practicing only interdental cleaning without other dental practices does not guarantee perfect oral health. They all work together to achieve the same cause.

So here are the benefits of introducing interdental cleaning into your dental routine.

What are the Benefits of Interdental Cleaning?

Prevents Tooth decay

As you eat, food particles get trapped in between your teeth and remain there despite a good mouth brushing. This is because the toothbrush for brushing is unable to reach these areas to get rid of the food particles.

In the long run, bacteria in the mouth begin to act on these food particles, resulting in tooth decay and bad breath from tooth decay. Interestingly, interdental cleaning help to prevent tooth decay by getting rid of the food particles trapped between the teeth. Interdental cleaning helps to keep the areas between your teeth clean and healthy.

Prevents gum disease

There’s a popular myth that interdental cleaning aggregates the condition of people battling gum diseases and bleeding gum. But this is not true. Interdental cleaning enhances the condition of the gum. It makes the gum healthier and stronger.

Interdental cleaning is one of the best ways to prevent bleeding gums. So, if you are battling bleeding gums, you should indulge in interdental cleaning using soft interdental brushes.

Guarantees a Beautiful smile

Interdental cleaning is one of the ways to maintain a radiantly beautiful smile. It enhances the appearance of your teeth and gum. It also contributes to your self-esteem and general well-being. There is evidence that links dental conditions like bleeding gums, etc., to certain conditions like depression, dementia, heart disease, etc.

How do I do interdental cleaning?

Like everything else, there are techniques for an effective interdental cleaning procedure. You don’t want to damage your gums or teeth, right? So follow this guide to help you perform interdental cleaning the proper way.

Choose the correct size of an interdental brush

There are varying sizes of interdental brushes as it is with the regular toothbrush. Make sure to contact a professional to help you with the right fit of interdental brush for your teeth. Your interdental brush must be clean and smug.

You can also decide to go for long-handled interdental brushes or tiny interdental brushes. Whatever your choice is, ensure that the bristles comfortably touch the gum tissue and tooth surface.

Start brushing the interproximal surfaces of your teeth

Move the interdental brush back and forth about two to three times to its maximum length after inserting it. Ensure you brush all the crevices between your teeth at least once daily. Softly curve the neck of a tiny interdental brush and apply more pressure to help you reach in between the rear teeth.

For long-handled interdental brushes, slightly curve the wire for easy access to the rear teeth. Yes, it’s that simple.


What device is used for interdental cleaning?

The interdental brush is the recommended device for interdental cleaning. It is a specially designed toothbrush that fits into the small gaps between the teeth. An interdental brush also comfortably fits into the areas around dental appliances like braces. The interdental brush has a handle and comes in varying sizes, styles, and forms.

You can get the interdental brush in an uncoated and coated wire. The brittles are small coned shaped radiating from a thin center wire. And depending on your preference, you can use the interdental brush with or without a desensitizing agent.

What alternative can I use for interdental brushes?

Water flossers serve as a good alternative for interdental brushes. This device works by spraying a steady stream of water through a nozzle specially designed for interdental cleaning. You can adjust the water pressure depending on how much you can withstand. Water flossers are safe to use and effective for interdental cleaning. The device can reach areas in between the teeth that the normal floss can’t reach.

According to the Journal of Periodontology, people that used water flossers for interdental cleaning recorded a significant reduction in tooth plaque.


As earlier mentioned, Interdental cleaning is a vital part of the oral health routine to prevent gum diseases and plagues. You should consider interdental cleaning if you want a healthy, beautiful smile all day long. Feel free to contact us about how we can help you


Deepak Kansal
Deepak Kansal

I am a Dental Professional, Acquainted Content writer and creator, Imparting valuable dental knowledge through and working towards making a difference. Any information provided on the Trickycare platform is for general information only and does not constitute professional advice.