What is Ketorolac, its Uses, Dosage, Side Effects and Precaution

It is one of the most powerful pain killer and modest anti-inflammatory drug. It is the drug mostly approved for parenteral administration (drugs which are injected into body fluid). When the drug is administrated it acts very rapidly on the site but the duration of action is short, means its effects last for the lesser duration, so it is taken usually between 4-6 hours. Common brand names are Ketorol DT, Toradol. In postoperative pain/ post-surgery pain, it is effective as Morphine (with no side effects). It is most commonly used for short-lasting pains. It is rapidly absorbed in the body whenever taken orally or injected in the muscles. It also helps in decreasing swelling and fever.

What is Ketorolac used to treat

  • It is a frequently used drug for short term treatment of moderate to severe pain in adults that occurs mostly after surgery, post-operative procedures.
  • It is also frequently used for dental and acute musculoskeletal pain (pain in both muscles and the skeleton). It is the best drug for acute dental pain, it relieves pain within seconds.
  • It can also be used to treat Renal Colic, migraine, and pain due to bony metastasis.
  • It has also been approved for use to reduce pain in the eye.  For eyes, it is available in eye drops form.


Dosage depends on the medical condition of the patient going through and response to treatment.

  • To reduce the risk of stomach bleeding and other side effects, the drug should be taken in a minimum effective dose.
  • One shouldn’t increase the dose without the prescription of Doctor and shouldn’t take the drug for more than 5 days.
  • Don’t take more than 40 mg dose for 24 hours.
  • If the pain still persists after 5 days of intake, visit your doctor as soon as possible.

General dosage are:-


  1. For Dental & Acute Musculoskeletal pain                                                   15 – 30 mg   IM/IV
  2. Oral Dose for Moderate Pain                                                                      10 – 20 mg  6 hourly
  3. For pain in the eye                                                                                      It is topically applied over the skin.

NOTE – Ketorolac shouldn’t be used more than 5 days.

How to take the Drug    

  • Take the drug orally, usually after 4 – 6 hours of the gap, with a full glass of water or dispenses the drug into the water and then drink it.
  • Don’t lie down or sleep for 10 minutes after taking this drug.

Side Effects

  • Nausea, Vomiting, Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Dyspepsia, Ulceration, Loose stools, Drowsiness, Blurred vision are the common side effects of ketorolac.
  • Pain at the site of injection
  • Sometimes it increases the blood pressure.
  • Rarely Liver diseases symptoms and allergic reactions.


  • Before taking Ketorolac, ask the Doctor or Pharmacist if you are allergic to it or Aspirin or another drug of the same category, it can cause you allergic reactions.
  • If you are an asthmatic, hypertensive, or liver disease patient, tell the medical history about it to the Doctor before taking the drug.
  • This drug can cause stomach bleeding. Daily use of alcohol and smoking along with this drug can increase the risk of stomach bleeding more severely.
  • This drug medication can lead you to be more sensitive to sunlight and may cause sunburn and skin blister, in such cases, ask your doctor and start using sunscreen and avoid sunlight.
  • Pregnant women can seek suggestion before using this drug from the Doctor, during pregnancy it is only used when clearly needed otherwise not.
  • This drug can also pass through breast milk so ask your Doctor before breastfeeding.
  • Old age people are more sensitive to the effects of this drug.
  • Avoid alcohol during this medication.
  • Don’t use this drug along with another drug, use this drug as plain.
Deepak Kansal
Deepak Kansal

I am a Dental Professional, Acquainted Content writer and creator, Imparting valuable dental knowledge through trickycare.com and working towards making a difference. Any information provided on the Trickycare platform is for general information only and does not constitute professional advice.