WHat is Tip Rhinoplasty, its Type, Need and the Complications.

Appearance plays an important role in everyone’s life, even there are several professionals who consider the appearance and looks like an important parameter.

Everybody cannot be perfect, but everyone deserves to be perfect, so for that, there are several kinds of surgical and non-surgical options available in the medical field, and people are opting many of them.

Nowadays there are several options available to correct any congenital anomaly, any accidental trauma-related scars or any other deformation of the aesthetics. The correction of anomaly or any scar not only improves the appearance but also provide confidence to the person.  So today lets know one of the procedures which are known as Tip Rhinoplasty.

What is Tip Rhinoplasty

Tip rhinoplasty basically refers to the procedure which is helpful for the modification or correction of the structure of the nose.

It is most importantly concerned with aesthetic correction and also known with the names such as nose job, nose reshaping, and nasal surgery.

Tip Rhenoplasty

Types of Tip Rhinoplasty

There could be surgical rhinoplasty and there could be non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Surgical Rhinoplasty

In this, the otolaryngologist (ENT surgeon), and oral and maxillofacial surgeons or plastic surgeons do invasive procedures, by separating the skin from the cartilage and then correcting the shape and then replacement of the skin to the normal position. Then the immobilizing packing is made over the site to fasten the healing.

Surgical Techniques of rhenoplasty


In this, the procedure is done with the help of the injectable fillers. These fillers are hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite, which are used to change the shape of the nose. This procedure is non-surgical and just the injectable materials are used.

Need for Rhinoplasty

There are several reasons that someone could opt for the nose job, let us discuss in detail

Need for rhenoplasty

Nasal Injuries

Due to any kind of trauma or blast injuries, there could be severely destructed nasal shape, this sudden and traumatic change in appearance could cause shyness and lower the confidence of the person. Correction improves the psychological satisfaction and better approach towards the recovery.

Birth Defects

Certain congenital anomalies like cleft lip and palate need the surgical correction, although the anomaly is corrected, there could be need or rhinoplasty to correct the shape and size of the nose.

Breathing Problems

There could be breathing problems due to the irregular shape or deformity of the nose, which can be occurred due to any trauma or congenital anomaly.

Narrow Nostril Width

Due to the irregularity of the shape of the nose, the size of the nostrils can also be affected, which will directly affect the breathing pattern.

Deviated Nasal Septum

Deviation in the nasal septum is the very common anomaly it causes the irregularity in the nostril size. In the case of severe deviation, blockage of one side of nostril may occur

Cosmetic Concerns

Cosmetic concerns

Nowadays, due to cosmetic concerns, also the procedures of rhinoplasty have opted.

Revision  Rhinoplasty

It is the rhinoplasty, which is done in relation to the aesthetical concerns, improvements and also in relation to the functional concerns, but it is done after the primary rhinoplasty, which means if the patient is dissatisfied with the aesthetic or functional result of the rhinoplastic procedure then they can opt for the revisional rhinoplasty, but to opt for this the patient must wait for at least 6 months. So that most of the swelling from the primary rhinoplasty gets subsided and the clear results can be seen.

Postoperative Instructions

  • There must not be any strenuous exercise or work for 1 week.
  • The patient might feel pain and swelling in the first week and that is totally normal, the proper dose of medicines must be taken to avoid pain.
  • After 2 weeks the normal appearance of the nose starts to appear with decreased swelling.
  • After 1 month the normal appearance of the nose occurs, only the patient can feel bit swelling in the inner part of the nose, which decreases gradually, for a full recovery it take 1-2 years, but the 80 percent recovery occurs in 1st 6-8 months.
  • Proper care must be done during the recovery period and regular check-ups must be followed as scheduled by your surgeon. proper care and visiting you doctor attentively on scheduled appointments reduces the chances of complications.


There could be following risk factors related to the rhinoplasty:

Local Anesthesia

The risk related to the local anesthesia is concerned with the trauma to the nerves and vessels related to the area. Due to the trauma, there could be extended numbness, also doctor must perform an allergic test before administration of local anesthesia otherwise serious and even life-threatening complications can occur.

Site Infection

As the nasal cavity carries various bacterias, it is more vulnerable to the infection, but with the proper prophylactic antibiotics and care, it can be easily avoided.

Poor Healing of the Wound

Due to any kind of infection or any underlying disease like diabetes, there can be poor wound healing which can be avoided by proper intake of antibiotic and control over any underlying disease.

Numbing of the Surrounding Area

This could be due to the trauma to the nerves around the area, this is mostly reversible but can take time.

Breathing Difficulty

Due to an allergic reaction related to the local anesthesia breathing difficulty can occur, other then this there could be swelling due to the surgery which can cause breathing difficulty.

Appearance is Unsatisfactory

There could be chances that after the surgery, the appearance does not satisfy the patient completely, this can also be due to the presence of swelling, so the patient must wait until 6 months to 1 year to completely heal the part. If the appearance is still unsatisfactory, then the doctor might suggest revisional rhinoplasty.

Swelling and Discoloration

Swelling is the part of the procedure, swelling at the earlier healing phase will occur, but if the swelling remains prolonged and do not settle even after 6 months then the patient must report to the doctor.

There can also occur discoloration or scar tissue formation which need proper care and may require revisional surgery. So this was brief about the tip rhinoplasty if you have any questions or suggestions you can use the comment section below.

Deepak Kansal
Deepak Kansal

I am a Dental Professional, Acquainted Content writer and creator, Imparting valuable dental knowledge through trickycare.com and working towards making a difference. Any information provided on the Trickycare platform is for general information only and does not constitute professional advice.